Aluminium Pretreatment
Multicoat is pleased to announce the completion of the commissioning of a 6 stage aluminium pretreatment plant.
We are able to pretreat aluminium extrusions up to 6.5 m long. When considering that most powder coaters do not have any pretreatment for aluminium, and the current water shortage, the certainty provided by using clean rinse water at Multicoat provides added certainty to users of aluminium extrusion.
Some systems have only 4 stages, with only one rinse after each chemical treatment. This effectively means that the product is being rinsed in dirty water and/or the fresh water inflows to the rinse tank have to be exceptionally high in order to maintain a basic conductivity of the rinse water below industry standard 100 uS (micro Siemens).
The next stage in the development of our processes is to use de-ionized rinse water. While Multicoat does apply “warranty grade” powders, we are not currently able to offer the warranty sought by some in the construction industry. Using de-ioised rinse water will take us further along that path.
Coinciding with the commissioning of aluminium pretreatment was the commissioning of a water treatment plant. This multi stage system using sophisticated electronic technology to treat waste water from the rinse tanks prior to sewer disposal. Ultimately, we are aiming at zero discharge and recycling water.